Section: Dissemination

Participation in Conferences and Workshops

Invited Talks

D. Coudert:

Seminar at the MPLA graduate students seminar, University of Athens, Greece (February 25, 2011); Seminar at mathematics department of RWTH Aachen, Germany (November 2, 2011).

F. Kardoš:

46th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (June 06-10, 2011). 43th Slovak Mathematicians Conference, Jasná, Slovakia (December 01-04, 2011).

N. Nisse:

IMSA Workshop on Algorithms and Randomness, Santiago, Chili, February 2011.

Participation in Scientific Meetings


AGAPE meeting, Montpellier, (February 7-9, 2011). Attended by J. Araújo, A. K. Maia, F. Havet, R. Pardo Soares, S. Pérennes, L. Sampaio (Speaker) and I. Tahiri.


Évaluation du pôle COMRED, Sophia Antipolis, France (January 19th, 2011). Attended by most of the Mascotte members (speaker: J. Moulierac).


Scientific meeting of ANR Verso ECOSCELLS, Villarceaux, France (June 9, 2011). Attended by D. Coudert.


Roma, September 20-21, 2011. Attended by A. Lancin, B. Li and N. Nisse.

Interim meeting of the FP7 STREP EULER project, Paris, France (January 20-21, 2011). Attended by D. Coudert and A. Lancin.

Retreat of the FP7 STREP EULER project, St-Raphael, France (May 10-12, 2011). Attended by D. Coudert and A. Lancin.

Annual meeting of FP7 STREP EULER project, Barcelona, Spain (November 7-9, 2011). Attended by D. Coudert and A. Lancin.


FIRE Conference co-located with the Future Internet Week, Poznan, Poland (October 26-27, 2011). Attended by D. Coudert.


Mid-term Workshop, Taipei (March 11-12, 2011). Attended by N. Cohen (speaker) and F. Havet (speaker).


GreenDays meeting, Paris, (May 31th - June 1st, 2011). Attended by Y. Liu.


8th day on Network Optimization, Paris, France (October 21, 2011). Attended by C. Caillouet.

Journées Nationales du GDR-IM:

Paris VI, Paris, France (19-21 January 2011). Attended by N. Cohen.

Mascotte Days:

Mascotte project annual seminar, Agay, France (May 26-27, 2011). Attended by most of the MASCOTTE members.


Journée du pôle MDSC de l'I3S, Sophia Antipolis (May 23, 2011). Attended by F. Havet.


10th Journées du Pôle ResCom du GDR ASR, Paris, France (October 20-21, 2011). Attended by D. Coudert.


LEA STRUCO Kick-off meeting, Paris, (December 8-9, 2011). Attended by F. Havet and F. Kardoš.


Meeting, Nice, France (Janaury 22, 2011). Organized by O. Dalle, E. Mancini and J. Ribault.

Participation in Conferences


Fourth International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Applications, Elgersburg, Germany (March 21-25, 2011). Attended by F. Kardoš (speaker).


10th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless, Paderborn, Germany (July 18-20, 2011). Attended by C. Caillouet (speaker).


13mes rencontres francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Agay, France, May 23-26, 2011. Attended by J. Araújo, J.-C. Bermond, J. Burman (speaker), C. Caillouet (speaker), D. Coudert, F. Giroire, D. Mazauric (speaker), J. Moulierac, N. Nisse, L. Sampaio, R. Pardo Soares and I. Tahiri (speaker).

DEVS/TMS 2011:

Workshop DEVS/TMS, colocated with the SpringSim 2011 Conference, Boston, MA, April 2011. Attended by O. Dalle (speaker).


DIPAM Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Warwick, Great Britain (April 04-07, 2011). Attended by F. Kardoš (speaker).


25th International Symposium on DIStributed Computing, Roma, September 20-22, 2011. Attended by A. Lancin and B. Li.


European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, Budapest, Hungary (August 29th - September 2nd, 2011). Attended by J. Araújo (speaker), L. Sampaio and R. Pardo Soares.


4th Workshop on GRAph Searching, Theory and Applications, Dagstuhl, Germany, February 14-18, 2011. Attended by N. Nisse (speaker).


Workshop on Algorithms and Randomness, Santiago, Chile, January 18th, 2011. Attended by N. Nisse (speaker).


5th International Network Optimization Conference, Hamburg, Germany (June 13-16, 201). Attended by I. Tahiri.


International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Victoria, Canda (June 20th - June 22th, 2011). Attended by J. Araújo (speaker).


13èmes Journées Graphes et Algorithmes, Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, November 16-18, 2011. Attended by J. Araújo (speaker), F. Havet, F. Kardoš, A. K. Maia (speaker), G. Morel, N. Nisse (speaker) and L. Sampaio (speaker).


La 7ème édition des Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation, Valenciennes, France (8-10 june 2011). Attended by I. Tahiri.


6th Latin-american Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, Bariloche, Argentina (March 28 - April 1, 2011). Attended by F. Havet (speaker) and A. K. Maia (speaker).

ROADEF 2011:

12ème congrès annuel de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la décision, Saint-Etienne, France (March 2nd - 4th, 2011). Attended by G. Morel.


Workshop Toward Evolutive Routing Algorithms for scale-free/internet-like NETworks, Roma, September 19, 2011. Attended by D. Coudert, A. Lancin, B. Li and N. Nisse.

Workshop on DSS:

Workshop on distributed storage systems, Cesson Sévigné, France (September 19th - September 20th, 2011). Attended by J. Araújo and R. Modrzejewski (speaker).


WinterSim Conference 2011, Phoenix, AZ, USA (December 11-14, 2011). Attended by E. Mancini.

Participation in Schools

9ème JCALM:

9èmes Journées Combinatoire et Algorithmes du Littoral Méditerranéen, Marseille,(February 18, 2011). Attended by J. Araújo, R. Pardo Soares and F. Havet.

10ème JCALM:

10èmes Journées Combinatoire et Algorithmes du Littoral Méditerranéen, Barcelona, Spain, (June 7-8, 2011). Attended by J.Araújo, N. Cohen, D. Coudert, F. Havet, N. Nisse and L. Sampaio.


Summer school on Networking, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, (July 6-7, 2011). Attended by A. Lancin.


L'école de la 7ème édition des Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation, Valenciennes, France (6-8 june 2011). Attended by I. Tahiri.

Ninth Annual Winter School in Algorithms, Graph Theory and Combinatorics:

Geilo, Norway (23-25 February 2011). Attended by N. Cohen (speaker).

Operations research as an asset for development:

Ecole de Recherche Operationnelle, Université d'Abomey-Calavi(UAC)/Institut des Mathematiques et Sciences Physiques(IMSP), Porto-Novo, Benin, November, 14-19 2011. Attended by A. Kodjo and M. Toko-Worou.

Sage Days 28:

Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay (Université Paris-Sud 11), Orsay, France (17-19 January 2011). Attended by N. Cohen (speaker).


Winter School on Network Optimization, Estoril, Portugal (January 17-21, 2011). Attended by C. Caillouet.



Since April 1, J.-C. Bermond is in charge of the attractiveness of the center INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerannée.

Colloquium Montpellier:

J.-C. Bermond gave a talk at the Colloquium organized in Montpellier on March 31, 2011.

Colloquium Morgenstern Sophia-Antipolis:

J.-C. Bermond gave a talk at the Colloquium organized in Sophia Antipolis on May 12, 2011.


D. Mazauric gave a talk to the students of Polytech' Nice, on "Compromis pour le problème du reroutage dans les réseaux optiques" at Sophia Antipolis (March 10, 2011).

Fête de la Science:

F. Havet presented the stand "Mathématiques" at Rians, France (October 12-16, 2011).

Goûter des Sciences:

F. Havet presented "Maths et magie", Rians, France (February 12, 2011).

Science et Culture au Lycée:

F. Havet gave two conferences "Graph theory and networks” and “Researcher as a job” in Lycée du Rempart, Marseille, November 24, 2011.


D. Mazauric gave a talk to the students of SUP'COM, on "Reconfiguration du routage dans les réseaux optiques" at Sophia Antipolis (July 12, 2011).